The Brave Bio

Welcome to the Brave family!

Hey Girl, Hey!

Welcome to the Family! I'm sure you're wondering, "What is Brave Women?" Wonder, no more! Let me tell you!

First, What is Brave?

In 2020, at the crux of a shift in my life, I found myself mourning the loss of my church home, navigating through a pandemic, working from home for the first time, turning 33 (Jesus year), starting yet another business, starting a podcast, making a plan to quit my job, figuring out how to love my man properly without losing myself, getting sick from stress, battling anxiety and depression--it was too much! I had finally settled on my purpose and calling, but I wasn't sure how to finesse my way out of the bondage of working for someone else and into freedom.

For years, I found myself throwing entrepreneurial spaghetti at the wall to see what would stick. When I thought I had a noodle that stuck, it would slide its way right down the wall indicating that it wasn't ready yet. I have tried MLM scams, written blogs, vlogged, created & sold T-shirts, written and published books, started Facebook groups, tried making candles and I'm sure there's more that I can't remember right now. Though some of these ventures were "successful," they were not substantial enough to fulfill me and pay real bills. My side hustles were never enough to be my profession.

The company I was working for was playing in my face. Our checks were often late. During the pandemic, they wanted me to risk my life and still come in (mask-less with no hand sanitizer in sight). Then, they weren't sure if we were actually "essential," which meant we would need to use PTO if they decided to shut down. I'd had enough! One day while driving home from work, I was frustrated, crying and praying my verse for 2020 and it hit me.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

Girl, just be Brave! Sounds simple, but I was scared as hell. I told myself, if this last entrepreneurial effort doesn't work, you can go back to working for someone else. In my pep talk to myself, I decided that this risk was worth it, but I had to go all out this time. No more side hustles. Tashara, go big or be homeless! I had sung "Oceans" by Hillsong too many times to not put, "Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders," to the test. It was time to channel my inner Peter and step out the boat. The caveat to my prayer was, "God if you have me looking a fool out here, that's on You. I'm fully trusting You as I have before. I can't remember a time that You haven't come through, so please don't let THIS be the time You decide to let me drown."

So, I made a plan.

  • I quit one job and transitioned to two jobs, working 12-15 hours daily + weekends.

  • I created the Brave Box for supplemental income.

  • Stacked as much money as I could.

  • Used what I saved to sign a lease for an office space on December 3, 2020.

  • Opened Brave Counseling & Consulting, LLC on January 4, 2021.

  • I had no financial cushion of my own upon opening, but I was determined to wade in this unfamiliar water and see what would happen.

Here we are 2 years and big 6 figures later and the risk was worth it.

Brave (Adj): having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear or difficulty: having or showing courage.

Brave Women

I love counseling, but because of ethics and such, I can't be as personal as I would like to be. It has been on my heart for many years to immerse myself in the lives of women in order to guide, teach and mentor. My heart's desire is to walk with Millennial women through life and lead them into this space of freedom where I now reside. Spoiler alert: Freedom is also where the money resides!

However, in my life and career, I found myself in positions that were the opposite of my desire. I was a youth pastor, then an adolescent counselor, then a children's counselor. Because of these roles, I convinced myself that women were out of my scope. I lied to myself because of insecurities and my own self doubt. I shrank myself and honestly robbed myself and many women by being too timid to rise into the next level of my calling. I'd settled in on the ground floor. Instead of pressing "2" on the elevator, I've been pressing "1" over and over, watching the doors open and close and wondering why I haven't elevated.

I've pressed "2", y'all! I'm walking around this unfamiliar floor and acclimating myself to the new environment. Though unfamiliar, I know I'm supposed to be here and I'm going to stay here until I can bring other women on the elevator with me and press "3." I'm even going down to the ground level and bringing those I left up to the next level with me.

Will you join me?

I'm sure you've felt similar feelings. Frustrated at work. Frustrated at home. Frustrated in your relationship. Frustrated with your children. Frustrated with your family. Just fucking frustrated, periodt! I've been there, sis. I visit that place of frustration at times, but I've learned how to live beyond my frustrations and settle into a place of infinite freedom. I want you here with me!

Brave Women is a nonprofit arm of Brave Counseling & Consulting. With this organization, I plan to create a community for women to rest, to be authentic and to discover what living in freedom looks like. Through Brave Women, my team and I will provide

  • Content (written and video)

  • Events (in person and virtual)

  • Private Facebook group

  • Courses & Coaching programs

  • Mentorship

  • Outreach opportunities

And so much more!

By subscribing to the email list, you will receive newsletters from me with encouragement and updates. Want to become a Brave Woman? Your next step is to join our Facebook Group!

I am so incredibly excited about this next phase in my life and also in yours. Let's grow together, sis!