It's time to subscribe!

The Brave Women Collective is HERE!

It is June 1st and Life has LIIIIFED!

I had this whole roll out planned for 6/1/2023 at 7:00 PM! Here we are WAY past 7 and my plans have been SHATTERED.

But that’s okay.

In a moment where I really just want to go to bed with this bottle of Jam Jar, I, instead am going to launch my membership — MESSY and all.

It isn’t curated the way that I wanted.

I didn’t get to complete all the uploads that I wanted.

I didn’t get to come home, beat my face and record the welcome video.

But you know what.. that’s life.

I’m human. I need grace and mercy and redemption and forgiveness and consideration just as much as the next person. I hope that my honesty resonates with you. I hope that you can feel settled in your humanness regardless of what is going on in your life right now.

I hope that you want to join a community where we, as women, can be messy, but also minister to each other.

We can be anxious, but feel calm in each other’s presence.

We can be depressed, but hold each other up like Aaron and Hur.

We can be confused and offer guidance.

We can be silent, but still be heard.

We can just… be.

Join me!

I promise to be vulnerable.

I promise to be authentic.

I promise to be transparent.

I promise to speak the truth in love.

Most importantly, I promise to show you love and support the best way that I know how.

I promise to bring you the flowers you deserve!

Here’s the link!

It’s $7/month to invest in yourself. This membership is so much more valuable than $7 and it will not stay this price for long, so get in now!

Here’s what you will get monthly beginning 6/5/2023:

  • Weekly devotional every Monday with journal prompts written by TJ.

  • Today, I choose daily intentions

  • Access to private community for accountability, connection, and support.

  • Monthly masterclass (topic & trend specific) + Q&A session

  • Quarterly book club beginning July 2023

  • New templates, planners and tools every month

  • An ever-growing resource library with templates, planners & ebooks

  • Access & discounts to in person and virtual retreats, events, Master Classes, etc

Planners and Templates that are IMMEDIATELY available after you join:

  • 5 Ways to master your mind

  • Quick Guide to Fasting

  • Quick Guide to Journaling

  • Affirmation cards

  • Coping Cards

  • Mindfulness cards

  • Brave Woman Digital Journal

  • 5 Day Beginner Journal

Get all of this now for only $7/month!

You’ll also get access to our members-only community to get

  • Access to Q&A w/ TJ

  • Resources/Life Coaching at your fingertips

  • The opportunity to network and gain community with other like minded women.

I can’t wait to see you inside our community!