Today, I choose

Today, I choose..

What will you choose today?

Today, I choose to positively reflect on the past year. As 2022 closes, I am grateful for the trials and triumphs. I’m expecting MORE in every aspect of my life this coming year. #IChooseMe2023

Start each day with prayer. It doesn't have to be long, religious or ornate. Psalm 100:4 is my blueprint for prayer. We are told to enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name.Here's my prayer format.

Praisegiving + Surrender + Supplication + Gratitude.

For example:

Lord, thank You for being so good! (praisegiving). I know that You got this! (surrender). Help me when I feel like I've got it because I know that I don't (supplication). Thanks for always having it! (gratitude).I might get a bit more ornate some days, but mostly I keep it simple.

This simple guideline has helped me to focus my prayers, so that I don't feel overwhelmed or scatterbrained. This year, I have learned so much about prayer, praying scriptures and truly being intimate with God. It's been life changing!

I will share more about Brave prayer, so make sure you check back in!
